About this demo

A mini course to showcase the user experience and to explain our service

  • Technology domains

    Technology of sensors, acquisition and post-processing software, solutions for mapping, positioning and navigation, autonomous platforms and unmanned vehicles.

  • How this works

    Participants are provided with instructions on how to operate and maintain products, improve efficiency, troubleshoot and enhance the scope of the equipment during operations.

  • Our deliverables

    eLearn shall produce videos, presentations, tutorials, notes, audio of professional quality and make it accessible to customers on a platform for e-learning.

Watch Intro Video


Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to this demo course

    2. How to use this e-learning platform

    3. Video Overview

    4. Training Overview Presentation

    1. Orione Training Flyer

    2. Download presentation

    3. Before you go...

About this course

  • Free
  • 7 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

See Free Demo

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If you are curious to know about how we work with clients, the fee model and other details about our training service, simply enrol for free to this 10 minutes demo course and learn about our training service. It is all explained in here.